Is the desire for Position driven by genuine ambition or fear of inadequacy?
استبيان رهيب ومهم *سعودي فقط
ماهي دوافعكم للاستمرار؟
ماهي خطيئتك في الحياة؟
ايش سبب كثرة الجمعيات الخيرية؟
وش اصعب شي ممكن ادراكه ؟!
When does ‘competition’ that drives us towards growth and development turn into comparisons that lead us to paralysis?
أين كنّا قبل أن نُخلق، وأين كانت أرواحنا؟
Well, What’s your secret that could literally ruin your life if it came out?
نبي نظرة ثاقبة هنا
How do you think memes influence the way we think and behave?
First day of work, any advice based on memories?
Where can I find best pc site?
Help please!
سؤال لفئة شكلها مب موجودة
What’s something you do to distract yourself from anxiety?
which one?
Eid isn't eid without…?
What isn’t haram, but feels haram?
What is the difference between Twitter and Reddit users?
Methamphetamine (شبو)
What is something very popular that you have absolutely no interest in?
What a university!
How can anyone improve his reaction or focus?
One minute movie in Egypt