A cover of Oblivion I made while teaching myself how to use GarageBand.
Garageband stopped creating a recording in a specific project.
Got bored, so I decided to sort all WoA targets (including Elusives) by their nationalities.
Am I supposed to wash my hands after touching Clear Quartz or Pink Quartz?
Which prestige objective nearly ended you hardcore campaign?
Disorder cover I made on GarageBand
The Master Freelancer Suit's shirt is the incorrect colour.
Why do you care so much whose dick I ride?
All saved slots disappeared and won't work anymore
Most annoying thing about every Hitman map part 16- Dartmoor
What is that one pistol you carry in Freelancer so much you couldn't start a mission without it in your inventory
Is there a snark subreddit for cynthia? 😬
Most annoying part of every Hitman map Part 11- Ambrose Island
Ranked Hitman trilogy targets based on hotness from a bisexual
Freelancer closed by itself twice after completing all objectives on the same mission.
A cool trick to find undercover guards/assassins in Freelancer!
“I can do no less”
Just two homies chilling.
The fact that her stans are in the comments laughing…
Giving away my merch to a fellow Diamond (see comment for info)
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Contracts or Blood Money?
Secret exits - GIF batch 1/3
Make the comments look like if the 09 cast use Reddit
How can I expand WoA Part 1?