Update on from-scratch figurines. Decided to try using colored polymer clay, now I only have to worry about a one metalics and detailing!
Looking for game suggestions.
"Those" People Online Starter Pack
My Yndrasta’s spearhead all painted up
I don’t accept license agreement!
Are tufts on the model cheating?
Tinder rada
Neviem nikde nájsť druhý zväzok (kniha štvrtá a piata). Je možné, že zvyšok nebol preložený do slovenčiny? Vie k tomu niekto niečo bližšie?
Reddit je Facebook pre normálnych ľudí
I´m starting a new cult and decided to document my journey. This is part 1
Chilling - pencil sketch by me
Why are so many Chaos Space Marines bald?
Kruta realita nasho skolstva!
I don’t accept license agreement
Defend this man actions
Hold the door brotheeeers 🚪
Why is Facebook so fucking lame.
shaking and crying… i can’t believe i drew this
Preco su aj mlady ludia na slovensku *ebnuty?
My new Shellwood List
With women, it is easy; they just make it difficult for themselves.
Voices in my head, unite!!!
What are people trying to prove or gain with this "let's gatekeep" groxshit? Besides achieving terminal levels of cringe like this fucking guy, that is.
I turned my paintings into stopmotion using photoshop.
It’s a culture *crusade*