What's a film you saw that changed your opinion about an actor?
Wtf is this movie? Disgusting and a piece of scientific art at the same time.
Cine si-a depus candidatura ( si nr de semnaturi )
Best way to study ancient civilizations?
O parte din cumparaturile saptamanale-114 lei. Scump?
Your Favorite opening scene for a Movie
What movie made you audibly shout, "What the f***?"
Okta Certification is a Dumpster Fire: AVOID AT ALL COSTS
A fost sau n-a fost?
Intenţia de vot în Bucureşti pentru alegerile prezidenţiale – Călin Georgescu, clasat pe prima poziţie, cu 31%, urmat de Nicuşor Dan şi Crin Antonescu, arată un sondaj CURS
What is the most exciting finale of all time?
Knossos Palace, Crete
Which movie traumatazied you as a kid ?
Polonia este modelul de urmat
Credeti ca adoptarea AI la scara larga va crea noi oportunitati in piata? Cand si care sunt primele industrii?
Questions about Okta CIAM. Is it the best on the market?
Can someone recommend a YouTube channel for entertaining and interesting ancient history?
Do I need Okta for my company?
Suntem mai urmăriți decât credem
Shitpost Moday? [preluata de pe Facebook]
To all “Americans” Estadounidenses, British, Germans, rich people coming to live in Spain
[Guide] Step-by-Step: How to Install and Run DeepSeek R-1 Locally
People that moved to Spain: how much you earn, how much do you pay rent and how comfortable can you live? (Where?)
Flatfeet Casual Running rec
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