I'll give it a try genre don't matter
Carti is his evil twin fr fr
TPAB or Illmatic?
Caitvi making out • ̀ω•́
Challenges if they were good
Bands who got better after a new member ?
New pic of Eminem
People i just know that exist because of Eminem
Why did Gus’s origin story get no screen time?
Just did this to my buddy Keith
What 90s rapper could fit on Yeezus?
Eminem 2nd lowest right here is crazy
IShowSpeed was born, grew up, started streaming, got into football and still won a trophy before Harry Kane
Why is nas copying the GOAT
Rocket exploding scene
Life imitates art
Best Albums of all time in my opinion
Since we’re doing fan casts here’s mine.
Ricardo Pereira could make his first Leicester City appearance in four months this weekend with the full-back declared available for selection at Chelsea.
subtle foreshadowing
Actually not half bad dump but i put way too many references to media i enjoy between the images which makes it dogshit and a horrible experience for anyone that is not me
clammy challenge
Horse clam
In all of rap, which song has the besț flow?
Who is a musician who you can easily identify it’s them just because their sound?