How are yall coping tonight without the episode?
Who, if casted, would probably cry as much as (if not more than) Danielle? 😭
Congratulations to Maesi Caes 🎉
If we're casting people from other reality shows then give these two a chance from deal or no deal island
Honestly if anyone finds my AirTag and mails it to me I will give you $50
episode 6 theory
Reminder of ____'s hot take that was released earlier this week.
If there was 1 person you could cast on Traitors, who would it be?
build your own team
Respect on Danielle’s name
Y’all are committed to making Carolyn a victim
Dance Moms Miami was lowkey iconic
Why is my Peacock saying ‘New episodes on Wednesday’?
What if the Traitors did a hosts only season?!
Heroes vs Villains 2.0 Dream Casting
Unpopular opinion: Danielle’s game is about as good Parvati’s but with a much worse edit
Who do you think would be cast as our season 4 traitors? (Wrongs answers only)
Can we talk about the skill gap between the Survivor players and Big Brother players?
Carolyn is making the right move, the wrong way
Sometimes there is a double standard... And That's OK
The Traitors (USA) S03E04 "I Will Bury You Under the Sand" Discussion Thread
Who should succeed Jeff as the host once he retires?
Which is the best season out of the new era?
I accidentally called my interviewer bro