Truthear x Crinacle Zero Red or Tripowin x 0diBi: Vivace ? Help me choose one
Need help with converting this mouse sensitivity can anyone help? Mouse sensitivity is 0.20 and ads mouse sensitivity multiplier is 1.0. I’m converting this to controller.
Past 27 Games I have insta died and I continue to get these lobbies. Idk what to do, i wanna play pubs but i cant because of this matchmaking.
A win is a Win
Is there a type of hack that stops you from seeing killcam?
Is it too late for casual players to get into the game?
Nerfing controller aim assist??
Found this one in the archives
Explain this...
i know they mad
Aimbot? Aim assist? the problem is no one can tell the difference.
What did I do to deserve this, I didn't even win a game in the last 48 hours cause it's non stop tryhard lobbies. Can someone explain to me how this works?
AMD FSR 3 frame generation
No you suck, new to PC please help.
No gun no loot bug lol
Beginner hopped in the game. What the heck with matchmaking balance?
From KBM to Controller - AA consistency not there
Ginuine Question
Just wanted to show the difference in killcams (I play 210 ping since my friends are across the globe)
Am I the only one or just a skill issue?
Should I use a controller instead of KBM?
I haven't seen such moments in Warzone for a long time
Completely insane double headshot on moving target
Skill issue or what console player by the way
I fucked up then I clutched up