Black & childfree subreddit
Microaggressions 101
Dating Compliments That Are Actually Insults
I just wanted to show you ladies my progress so far…
When a non-Black person asks why they can’t say the N-word, just show them this video 😂
I Love Being A Black Woman
Louisiana Senator: maternal death rate here isn’t so bad, just leave Black maternal death numbers out.
Better late than never
Are there any child free women that also don’t ever want to get married or don’t see themselves getting married?
“Alpha Male” Podcast Bros be like… 😂😂😂
calling all black atheists, agnostics and spiritual girlies
Black women aren't submissive
What’s your controversial opinion on anything?
What’s a conversation we not ready to have?
What is something that you do everyday just for your health, and what are new healthy habits you plan on doing for 2025?
Please pray for me 🙏🏾
The male loneliness epidemic is FAKE! 💯🔥
What are y’all watching on Netflix these days?
“Entitled: How Male Privilege Hurts Women” book by Kate Manne is a good read and I recommend you read this book.
I’m a straight woman who enjoys watching gay black men porn
Everything he said is 💯🔥 and very heavy on leaving women ALONE!
Thoughts? Do you agree with this or not?
No lies TOLD! 💯💯💯
Many such cases
I hate being called queen