Some kind of little hairs in my Johnsonville sausages 🤢
It was 80° here 2 days ago.
Have you ever fallen in love?
Please give me pictures of your cat so I can very very poorly draw them
What smell do you love that you’re not supposed to love
Band of chronic masturbators
What is a biological quirk you have?
Why do some people feel so anxious to the point where they’re afraid to say “excuse me”?
What’s your comfort tv show?
First time attempting a full face of makeup. Any tips and feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Is BandLab down?
I posted earlier about Tsuna. This is her sister Sakora. She has the loudest meow I’ve ever heard that wakes us up, she insists on sleeps in a toddler bed every night and peed on my husbands Xbox controller.
This is my husband’s cat Tsuna (we have on going beef) She thinks she’s a little baby, she’s territorial over my husband and she ripped a hole in my carpet. Roast away
Can’t sleep with my husband, anyone else prefer solo sleep?
What did you purchase as an adult because you could never have it as a child?
What do my top 25 artists say about me?
I’m not sure if I like this or not
What's a song you never want to hear again?
Please send car pics
Who was your first cartoon crush?
What's a movie that makes you cry every time you watch it?
What Dylan opinion will get you in trouble?
What do you guys do when you're feeling down?
Anyone got any Dylan tattoos to share?
What’s your least favourite song by your favourite artist/band?