What Dragon Ball take in this fandom made you go like this?
This panel really isn’t gonna help the “Piccolo is Gohan’s real dad” discourse
Name a hard boss that isn't even close to the final boss
Why didn’t Goku go ssj2 here, he got the line and everything
u aint ready for dat
Where are you sleeping the hardest in earthbound?
Service Call is RIDICULOUS? (Remake)
dirty fireworks
1-0 👍
Rose, the Psaro-slayer
Had way too much fun fusing forgot I had a story to play lmao currently in front of Zenith Dragon for the first time hopefully about to start middle echelon this is my current team
Be honest: Who's walking away from this alive?
Was this the best episode of DBZ?
What is the biggest choke job in all of Jojo's?
[TOMT] Album about a real life serial killer, mostly distorted screaming
we're praying, pokey.