The great jihad had begun
Saw this on Instagram. I guess when Arabs rape each other it's our fault as well
which asian country has the best goats? asking this because I have an arab friend
Worst korea cosplaying as ghosts
It's over, baharat bros.
Trump was consulted before Israel’s Gaza attacks, and backed Netanyahu's proposal, per Al Jazeera
Found a true patriot Palestinian cat
‘Ethnic cleansing!’ Videos show Syrian government-aligned forces reveling in massacre of minorities in coastal town | CNN
They made a documentary about her
I heard this guy is looking to negotiate a peace treaty with Hummus
Irony of history has us all hating US now, even if for different reasons
Israel shatters Gaza ceasefire as more than 400 Palestinians killed in IDF strikes
You know who I am talking about
if this jeetni loses her fight this weekend no indian is gonna hear the end of it from me
Honestly, I expected memes laughing at each other, not some 4chan wannabe posts ONLY about the fucking arabs. No wonder you only actually talk about 3 countries, y'all are boring as hell.
Japenis made karaoke but Failedpenis mastered it. Jai Maharlika Zindabad!
Its jover
Make love not war
Props to the Azerbaijani bro, he reached top three, still couldn't beat [deleted]
how to scare American teenagers on TikTok, the guide:
Jerusalem. Should the Holy Land look like this?
Curdiostan, ngl idk why some have issue with it
POV: you're Arap in a proxy war
GIRL POWER 💅💅💅🇮🇷🇮🇱🇱🇧