Since Mr Bigs To Be With You, is there time to return to the rare category of supergroup one hit wonders
Name a local nu-metal band from your city that needs more recognition. I’ll go first; Hemlock from Las Vegas.
What are some painfully mid albums
Highly Political Musician, Depoliticized Hit
drawing all the Touhou characters #001
DredFoxx - Gettin’ Down Wit da Verbs & Nouns
Koishi knows you well
Why all Remilia pics in Youtube thumbnails go so hard?
Best Screamer in Nu Metal (minus Corey, Chester, and JD)
Artists who tried to show depth, but couldn't believably pull it off?
What was the most traumatic, disturbing, and problematic moment that ever happened to you in the Touhou community?
Even worse, when they make gay ships straight
The one karma farm strategy that has always worked
I felt like posting something that lives up to the name of the sub. (Definitely NOT foreshadowing a new coalition or something)
turned em girls into ponies, ıdk if this is the right place to post this
Artists who are products of their time in a good way?
Reimu and Mokou
What are some potential OHWs from countries that have yet to be covered on One Hit Wonderland?
JOE MAMA: The Ame-zing Detective (2001)
Thanks to me 2000 futa Touhou posts were deleted in rule34
What is the most edgy photo of a sonic character you have
Slitheryn - Lost (feat. Corey Taylor)
What kind of music is she listening to now?
What if your favorite Touhou character met a chibi version of herself?
Beating on the drums