I swear the main subreddit has the absolute worst takes
Widowmaker's Kick has the same ultra-forigiving hitbox as Spider-man's uppercut.
We need a defensive Ult!!
Widow skin is bugged on non-pc platforms and it shows up that way in game too, second image is how its supposed to look like
I swear, these are some of the most annoying characters in the game
Anyone else think this cheesy, cancerous nonsense shouldn’t be this easy? Like it’s one thing if you’re way too close to a natural edge on the map - but there shouldn’t just be a death pit right next to the main arena.
I rolled 1s … 10 times, well can’t expect to win them all
Peni mine on the end screen
How are we gonna suffer another month against some of these characters?
Please stop playing Rocket in a 2 support comp.
New game mode is trash
What's a hill you're willing to die on in this game
How is this interaction still in the game
My solution for 1-3-2
The full preview of Cloak and Dagger’s Twilight Duo new costume !
Winter soldier needs a nerf
Can you guys give me tips on what I did wrong ?
Ronin Attire
For all the Strange players is this a good or bad for the upcoming patch.
So it looks like Wolverine and Storm are becoming anchors to their team-ups, seasonal damage boost incoming?
Booting AFK players and backfill take way too long
Is the battle pass worth it if I don’t like the skins
With new patch this week, what changes would you like to see?
Am i the only one that thinks the skins are wayyyyyyyyy to pricey? You're spending close to $50 for a skin