Leva and Lamar respond to accusations of unfair treatment of POC patrons after Zach’s Daiq’s opening
Taylor’s reaction To Sienna
Has anyone heard of the controversy that just happened at Leva's Zachary Daiquiri place?
Sending Ziggy over the rainbow bridge tomorrow
so fucking pick me
Thomas announced he was running for governor…then 5 days later dropped out
Best CBC stories
Salley Carson’s adorable dachshund can’t swim, they flip over. 5000 pets drown each year in backyard pools. Please put up a fence or use an automatic safety pool cover. But cute doggie!
Someone peed on the carpet, I saw it and turned around and saw this….
Episode 6 Preview/edit
What would fix Southern Charm next season?
“Weirdest rumor you’ve heard about yourself”. Looking good, Bri!
We need more Molly
im so uncomfortable
S10 E4 Discussion
Imagine going this hard for someone and spelling their name wrong asf 🤪
Shitty parenting at its finest
Molly’s storyline
Trailer park trash
Kirk tells Dave to stfu (and shout outs his sisters)
Maybe it’s because of that head 👀
Jump Scare
S10 E2 Discussion
It’s so cringe 💀💀
'Southern Charm's Taylor Ann Green Calls out 'Jealous' Season 10 Newcomer Salley Carson (Exclusive) - PopCulture.com