Hike expectations from switch
What is your favourite k drama word ?
What are your views on this?
Character nicknames I will never forget. What's yours?
Looking for recommendations
Your favourite female friendships!
Same plot, different stories
what was the first kdrama you watched
Which all Kdramas have you watched more than once and still don't get bored?
IT workers gathered en masse today under the banner of KITU-Karnataka IT Union to demand their rights. Proud of the them fighting for such an important issue.
kdramas you dropped and why
Sharp eyes/feature of Hwang In-Youp and Lee Joon-gi
Miss Night & Day
What are some short but completed K-Dramas that I can binge?
What actor or actress give you "He/she should be protected by all cost" vibe?
Kdramas you almost gave up, but didn’t
Is there a lead character you disliked (FL/ML)?
Hyperknife - March 19 release
Seoul vs jeju ,what's your favourite setting ?
If you were part of Jury member of award show, who would you give Best Actor(Male & Female) awards and for which series?
Rowoon at the Oscars yesterday
Who is your most favourite villain in all of k drama?
Tell me your all time favourite kdrama and I will recommend you one
Second lead in Business Proposal