I'm in a very confused state of mind about choosing residency
angelic vocals
Lolla ‘24 vs 25
Lollapalooza Ticket
BJP killed Merit
Scut work in Dnb
Do you guys follow any fitness youtubers? I really look up to Saket.
Help me out…distressed!
Should I drop?
why doesn't jammu and kashmir have any service bonds
DNB documents HELPPPP!!!!
MCC round 3 result declared!
Why're breakups so common after internship?
Vacant seats!
Motivation lelo sab
Jammu Aale = Sab Changi Si
which wrestler gives you this feeling?
Why are med students uninterested in fitness?
That too in clear vacancy 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Tak dayte patsanam poschitat' poteri Summy — nuli, pogibayut na stsene
Another gem by Yograj Singh
Doctors posted in hospital on New years Eve !? Share your stories
Does anybody have any idea when the seat matrix for 3rd round will be released?
Round 3 seat matrix