[PC]A melee combat system thats in the middle between a hack'n'slash and a slow paced, planned combat like For Honor/Witcher 3
I would do all legal (and some illegal) things to get Immolation Fists as a Pyrogale or Ashen Wake ornament
Farewell, I stop drinking monster today
No special/language characters when watching a movie with subtitles
Who's a character that everyone loves but u just don't get the hype? I'll start
Kinda pissed off that it will disappear tomorrow
man you can't do that
What’s the Oldest Game in Your Steam Library That You STILL Play?
[Was try’n smthng new]…Call me Diamond Dog ig…thoughts?🤟👌👎
my gf gifted me this, what does it mean?
Which fit do you like better?
WHY don't the player dosen't react to his car falling or moving (his emotions are gone he is a solid rock now)
It’s days now !
Games where you build a roster, characters can die
Am I the only one who thinks engineer is a creepy motherfucker?
[Android]Looking for cool mobile games for tablet - offline only.
These robotic, AI-powered, strap-on shoes can apparently make you walk three times faster and can get up to a top walking speed of 11 km/h or 7 mph
Ready for guardian games
What exactly is 'void'?
survival dev mode questions
This official fem-spy art actually makes me think "Spy" more than the canon design. With male Spy, I think "burglar", but this has much more obvious inspiration from classic spy movies.
I haven’t shitposted about chapter 2 in months lol
Genuine question: Why does the community seem to hate Legion? I might have a controversial opinion on it.