How traumatic is withdrawing from Zoloft
Anyone reluctant to take Zoloft after how bad the withdraws are.... jfk said it's nothing to play with.
At what age is it not ok for your child to sleep in your bed
Putting your kid on stimulant question
Can you be a successful nursing student with mental illness?
Does adhd medication have long term benefits….
I hate my house. No idea how to make it better.
To be completely honest, I like my son better unmedicated
So much anger
Baby Envy
My son has no friends
Is your kiddo on the king acting stimulant or a short acting?
My son said today he feels happier without medicine…. What should I do?
My son is 9 and our Pediatrician suggested sports as a way to burn off energy and make some friends. He is struggling to keep up. Practice is akward and painful to watch. I feel like a bad parent signing him up.
Probiotics for ADHD KIDS
Tips for wellbutrin and hairloss
Mornings.. ugh!
Concerta build up?
Do you let your kids curse?
Is this normal for realtors to reach out like this?
soft glams have been my go to lately
Why is the AA community so against giving kids ADHD meds
Constructive criticism for my kitchen makeover
If your child takes Concerta, what’s their dosage?