Almost ruined my Sunday…sorry for the language. [oc]
Ye old p0446
700x38c fenders for FX disc? I went to a larger tire for puncture resistance but the website says I can’t run fenders. They also list fenders for 38c tires in accessories. Any advice?
Gozanti class cruiser; got it pretty close???
Snagged this pic while driving away from the 6th ave south bound on ramp.
Was this added recently or has this always been in New Atlantis?
Oh great head of Cydonia, what wisdom do you hold?
UC Battle Cruiser Iron Sides
Freighter Factory on instagram. I hope I did this model some justice.
Expanded my little beach home. Added a little party/bungalow tower on the other side of the bay.
Dumpster Fire Situation
Finally found my beach front property.
Night vibes in Seattle
Probably the sleekest ship I’ve ever built.
World War III sponsored by Nestle co and Amazon…
Boomers trying to bring Project 2025 to local school district.
Worst timeline so far….
UCCV Shadowhawk II. Rasmus-class light tanker. Smuggling conversion. (Based on the TR-140 Corellian tanker by Rasmus Poulsen)
Anyone wanna go down to the 49th Galleria?
UNITA Brewing Co, Cutthroat Pale Ale, Salt Lake City Utah. Absolute banger and my go to choice when I lived in Utah.
Mac and Jacks
Holy Mountain Brewing, White Lodge Belgium-Style White Ale 🍺 😋
We can buy guns to
Ever seen this?