Finalmente lucrando com açoes
Jeff is actually a pretty good Diver if you already have other 2 healers. Change my mind
Quick play is actual hell
Oque está acontecendo no Ceará é um absurdo!
Tried to fix PS5 controller and fucked up my right stick analog
We can’t all be GM, take it easy
If you want to get better as DPS… you have to instalock
This sub isn't ready for Emma Frost and a possibility of her hellfire skin
How can I post a Hyperlink showing my sub Wiki in the rules description?
Requesting r/MarvelRivalsBrasil- No moderation, No members and no posts
Dagger’s light dagger damage nerf?
Why do people not change to Vanguard as soon as they see the other team is running two Vanguards?
Don't add role queue to ranked. Put it in quick play.
C & D Tips Main and want tips
Just won a game in Grandmaster with 5 healers and 1 tank...
More accurate character difficulty ratings (In my opinion) (Explanations in comments)
All the posts are just people complaining about everything
Magik nerfed, but not Bucky or wolverine?
Enter meme::::::::::::
Chat what am I doing wrong?
No tank is bad stop calling venom and peni bad
maciez dum peitinho é loss?
What in the actual fk is The thing doing to my panther?
Account transfer possible?
Can Xbox and PlayStation players be matched in competitive?