New literally me character just dropped?
Read the photo
Drake the type of guy to get out of ideas and say a curse word because he's cool
Drake the type of dude to put a cuss word in a bland post title in order to spice it up
Drake the type to yell "unhand me" when he gets kidnapped
Is this the earths shadow?
You're stuck on yet another 21 hour flight. Which seat are you choosing?
What's your "literally me" character?
What is this object? Details in post.
Drake the type of dude to say "A quarter to six!" when asked what time it is
what song is this?
Help me to try and figure out what hardstyle song this is
Drake the type of bofink to have this fed to him in prison
Drake the type of guy to include a drum section near the end of a rap song
Elon msuk
Drake the type to interrupt a news broadcast and say"Greetings, citizens of the world", while clips of different cities watching it live play
Drake the type to do this
Drake the type of dude to post these videos
Drake the type of sick person to keep a thermometer in his mouth all day.
Drake the type
I put a hole in the wall when I passsed out from blowing my nose
Drake the type of Buffalo Bill to have a Western Duel, where he first wiggles his hands around his Colt, followed up by a Close Up Shot of his eyes