Every Unleashed player tomorrow By @LucasKarkle
I was going through some of Wendy's quotes... poor girl...
Plant Cards buff ideas: Nut edition
Seekers of the Storm Phase 2 Update Out Now!
How does he do it?
So apparently Wormhole Gatekeeper's conjure ability to make them cost 1 less only applies to cards it itself conjure (note the 1 cost ice moon)
Do you keep them on by default or turn them off?
This is possible apparently
An idea I had (I don't play Terraria very often so if there's an issue lmk)
Some card ideas. (I’ve posted all of these before but I rebalanced all of them.)
How Do I Unlock Driver?? The description for the unlock is bad... and I don't see any description in game for it.
Hate Quarterly Bonus? Yeah me too
What's the funniest joke you've ever seen in a game?
I finally reached ultimate league
It actually surprised me going to the store page and seeing that recent reviews are mixed
Can I pay the Rivals 2 devs to make me never match with a Clairen or Ranno online again
Give me obscure Plants and I'll rank them on this (read desc)
Now that the update has been out for a while, do you think it was a good patch or a bad patch?
After playing like 100+ hours of the game since the DLC patch, this is my opinion on the new items
I made a rougelike game idea based on both ROR2 and Luigi's Mansion's Scarescraper mode
LM Scarescraper Rougelike Idea
Games that 'cheated' to feel more fun
Do people still think Wickerbottom is the best character?
Is it impressive to win on your 3rd ever run?
[F?UCKI??NG] [B?ALL?IN'] (By Hazel on Bluesky)