Good places to roller skate in Newark?
This may be an unpopular opinion but…
Tommy is a horrible person
Jordy and Tommy?
AIO gf told me not to thank a cashier because I shouldn't talk unless necessary?
What songs would you like to hear a ghost cover of?
Tamagotchi stuff I’ve made!
Eating at maintenance of ideal weight and starting to exercise more rather than cutting more calories?
Had these tamagotchis hanging up but was already running out of room to add more so I bought a nail varnish stand and plan on expanding my collection further and using my pegboard for a mix of Tamas and games now so there's less fighting for space
I don't see the point of speculating about the proper diagnosis
(no title)
Ambers latest instagram story
As an autistic women, do you feel you are understood better by men/boys?
Which side are you on?
Emailed the UK Pepsi team to ask about the classic Pepsi change
Why are Terzo fans so obsessed with him coming back?
I'm laughing internally at the idea of Perpetua dying before the tour even starts
Infernal Majesty
Copia & Perpetua - Not Twins!
The HEIRLOOM washcloths
She’s imploding in her livestream right now *live updates*
What's the "fattest" thing you've ever seen Amber do?
Twin Theory