Full sequence for Atletico's second goal, ref misses De Paul handball, then the ball changes possession back to Barcelona before the goal sequence so VAR cannot call it back
Atlanta United 1 - [1] Inter Miami - Lionel Messi 20'
Andaikan rakyat Indonesia turun ke jalan secara masif ketika Kanjuruhan atau kasus pembunuhan oleh polisi lainnya...
The largest protest against corruption in the history of Serbia happened today. It is estimated that 800 000 people attended the rally.
Revisi UU TNI
Mixed Coca Cola with wine and it tastes amazing
Tuchel's first England squad for the upcoming WC 26 qualifiers.
Sekretaris Kabinet (Seskab) Teddy Indra Wijaya naik pangkat dari Mayor menjadi Letnan Kolonel (Letkol). Kenaikan pangkat ini semakin menunjukkan begitu moncer karier Teddy.
Presiden Prabowo Buat Aturan Seskab di Bawah Sesmilpres, Letkol Teddy Tidak Perlu Mundur dari TNI
Nonton Balap Liar Taruhannya Nyawa
Replay of Alvarez‘ disallowed penalty
Alvarez disallowed Penalty Kick from Zoomed in angle
Who Would Sit Longer On The Desk And Do Nothing
I made a Spirit Breaker figure from DotA 2
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kenapa pemerintah sekarang gk pernah kerja sama artis lokal untuk membuat animasi, melainkan AI?
The minute before the final question of Arteta's post match interview for more context
When this fight is animated I think Zoro fans will become the biggest Toei haters in existence
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DreamLeague Season 25 Day 14 Match Discussions
IHSG dan Rupiah 'Kebakaran', Airlangga Bilang Begini
Who is this guy?!!!
Rill kah Abang-abang teknik 🥶🥶
Tukang plat nomor bebas, seharusnya dipandang seperti pemalsu dokumen negara