Movies where people are trapped with no escape
Girly horror movies
Who is the most Overrated couple in TVD
Does anyone have any cats that have lived long on friskies/fancy?
Does anyone know why the House of Blues Instagram shut down?
What are some unpopular options you think you might attacked for?
The corpse in Caveat is the single most terrifying thing I have ever seen in a movie... What's your pick as the most scary or unsettling piece of horror imagery?
She really needs to get over him
johnnie’s old intro
Best horror cinematography?
What are some horror movies with a rainy or snowy aesthetic
Does anyone know any horror movies with a rainy or snowy aesthetic?
Does anyone know any horror movies that have a rainy or snowy aesthetic?
ain’t no way
Grace weird obsession with hellcheer
Attention seeking at its finest
why does jakes mouth always hang open like that in pics does he really think this is hot 💀
the way she bosses him around
Non Horror Movies that scare you
I’m sure other people have stated this…
What song do you immediately associate with the horror genre and consider to be a “horror main theme” of sorts?
How did you discover twilight?
Movies that somehow become comfort films
Anotha one