My eggs have gone bad again, they cracked... any advice so this doesn't keep happening? I should mention I'm just starting to cook.
Let me see the face of your pittie sleeping. They are so adorable!!!
Why hasn’t science invented something to avoid wasting time going to the bathroom yet?
Would you dare to go on a paragliding trip? I did it, and it was one of the most beautiful experiences I've ever had!
I think few things are as rewarding as resting your head on the pillow before sleep and feeling at peace with your conscience
ChatGPT be like that sometimes.
What makes you happy?
Yee haw partner
Goes hard...
Les da vergüenza decir que tienen un problema de salud mental ?
Alguna película de terror que se pueda ver en español y dónde? Obvio que valga la pena ver!
Es común que los hombres cuando se masturban se metan el dedo en el ano ? Es algo habitual? Lo hacen ? Conocen a gente que si?
Please, clean me…
There are so many more benefits…
Como dejas de amar a alguien???
Absolutely in love with sunsets and their unique colors! They drive me crazy!! Enjoy it too!
Poor his wife 🤣🤣🤣
Llegaron a tener una relacion gracias a Tinder?
I’ll allow you to admire my orange beauty, humans 🐱😊
El michi de la bolsa 😅
¿Soy la única que cree que está muy sobrevalorado el tener los pechos grandes?
Les da curiosidad, les importa o les da morbo saber sobre la vida de un ex?
Florencia, Italia.
Como bajo de peso?