Bible Scholars— Margaret Barker
Is Margaret Barker mainstream?
When do I teach my daughter not to trust people(but mostly men)
What fictional character do you think best represents CPTSD?
What are your favorite people on Patreon?
It is said that in Mexico there are people, mainly women, who practice certain forms of high magick, witchcraft, and who can do incredible things like fly, become invisible, turn into animals, or become fireballs Do you think it's true?
What do you think of Martin Luther?
What version of the Bible is best for gaining a solid (Catholic) understanding of the Bible?
Interested in Grad School
Would I regret leaving a high-paying engineering job to become a teacher?
I found this Church - an interesting take on gnostic Christianity. Lots of Hermetic and esoteric elements within its writings > Apostolic Johannite Church | An Esoteric Gnostic Christian Communion in the Apostolic Succession
The Audacity of these Classroom Management "Experts"
Thoughts on SAHW and SAHM and choice feminism
What did the early followers of Jesus believe between the time he was preaching up until Paul spread his new message?
Biblical Scholars- Dan McClellen?
Biblical Scholars- Dan McClellan?
'The Rings of Power' is currently #8 on Amazon Prime's Top 10 Most Popular Shows
Did you guys have an intuition on What the gender of your baby was?
Pregnancy Rage
What’s the #1 thing that makes teaching so stressful today? (If you had to pick just 1 thing)
What everyday human foods do you give your cat (occasionally)?
Dopamine Chasing Ideas for Cheap?
What is the most insane thing you have seen a brand new teacher/substitute/clueless admin attempt to do with a class that no veteran in their right mind would have tried?