“. Now you wanna care, but you didn't care. Then I don't care about your empathy to switch up f you”
It’s our responsibility
The way she’s ALWAYS hanging off of him 🤮
Her new TikTok
Out of all of the comments she chose to reply to on her recent post she chose one giving her encouragement and mistake it as being hateful….
Scenarios for Tophia's Life?
DMS Tophia had with someone updating them on Marie’s condition (credit to Apprehensive-Mix-480)
Tophia’s story talking about someone saying it’s karma
Tophia’s story talking about what’s going on, talking about jasmine, tanjihoe, and arguing with everybody
I think tophia is damaged from the start
This woman really thinks she’s an influencer 😭
Where Tophia was parked was not even remotely safe…
The suspect had a ridiculous amount of priors.
Why Is Tophiachu So Stupid?
she doesn't care
Tophia’s whole story talking about a shirt she saw on the fyp, talking about the get a job comments, blaming the internet, talking about mom of 3, defending aunt Karen, and blaming Reddit
So now the excuse for not stepping up in life is because she has trauma
What about Marie...
When is too early to vacuum?
Tanjir talking about Tophia’s latest statements
Tophia’s story talking about what happened, blaming people for getting kicked out of previous motels, and more
Tophia’s TikTok responding to someone saying that Marie should go to a nursing home
Tophia’s Go fund me
Do you think they will ever reveal the suspect?