Black Lotus Price Update #3
Black Lotus fix didn't last a week!!!
Anniversary/Era/HC vanilla realms need repeatable world buff quests and yearly scourge invasions
2 kinds of people in this game.
The #somechange we need and no one can complain about
Never forget what ruined TBC experience.
Blizzard, can we cancel world buffs this time around? Or make it so that they drop when entering raids?
Debuff limit removal
TBC waiting room
I'm dubbing the new AQ raid challenge system the "guild disbander"
I miss TBC
I have reached 100 stacks of Astral Perfect Victory. Character: Moshrav (Crusader Strike US, formerly Lone Wolf US)
How many of you have grown to be this guy?
Thorium Point and all future daily hubs need improved guards
SoD has produced by far the worst content creators
Leave the 226 FR Requirement
Which swing timer is blizzard sponsored? I wanna make sure I can dps next phase.
Vanilla Era Deviate Delight RPPVP Would Love More Alliance
Raiding in phase 4 Sod be like
Can True Shot Aura be made raid wide please?
So how will Thunderfury be handled?
Classic plus wishlist
Give me your most Elitist Take on Classic WoW (any Version)
Remove the DMF buff cooldown