[Round two] give me yall favorite youtubers and i will transform then into MSM monsters!
Im either getting trolled or I just talked to a pedo….
wtf kinda hair type does this girl have
Encontrei essa coisa aqui, alguém sabe o que é?-Belo Horizonte/MG
Oh poop 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you my latest product, the dildon’t. Where do I put this abomination?
h-hear me o-out-
Would you take this deal? Fresh nuggies for warm huggies! 🤝✨
I had a bad day. Could you please send me your cutest Hazbin or Helluva pictures?
Somebody said i look like her, do i? (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
You have to spend one year completely isolated from the outside world in a room of your choice. I'm choosing Room 3, and not all the armies of Heaven could stop me.
What are these called in your language?
You walk in on your favorite character as they were changing. What do you do?
A rainha precisa de um novo trono, o antigo não suportou tanta abundância. Algum voluntário? (Patacon)
sto e my li s
Who would win in a fight?
Guys….I can FIX him
O que achamos dessa gostosa?
Wash the dishes
Irmã Laverne (Sssonic2).
The villian on your birth month is ur parent