How do you find pet care in Japan?
Part2: It ended before trying
It ended before trying
Outdoor to indoor cat
Said goodbye to my best friend today. Please show me your tuxies I would love to see them all!
No mom I'm not gay
What's the longest you'd wait to have sex with a woman?
Her litterbox was being cleaned
Missing my Dear Leo and a PSA
The most non-answer answer ever.
Radiation after 2 rounds ABVD?
Living with huntsman spider
Mold growing on walls and ceiling
No match, no like. What am I doing wrong ?
Where are the livestock ??
Intimacy without connection
Just had my last Chemo
ISTP women. Do people always think you’re a lesbian?
Unusual arm pain/marks after chemo
My baby girl turned 20 today
Monthly positivity post! Share your good news, wins, or just anything uplifting from the past month here.