Simea was conceived while Moana was trying to return the heart to Te fiti...
When did hell begin for you?
I don't... NEED to take my fruit snack... but I will, because I WANT to.
How do you handle holidays with kids if you’ve never been into holidays?
Apparently, "SURTTTHDURTHHDURTHDURRR!!!" is Latin for "Lamp turn on!"
AITA for being too lazy to move laundry?
AITA for not moving my laundry while I was working?
They really have no idea what a self-insert is
Telemachus of Ithica. He screams until I hold him. Always.
people who shower for 30+ minutes, wtf you be doin in there?
Angels Revenge
Episodes without Stingers. Which moments do you think would have been a great note to end the episode on?
What's the weirdest thing your sibling did to you growing up?
OOP Concocts a Fantasy Relationship With Her Neighbor and Imagines Being a Stepmom. The Kids Squash that Idea Quickly. (Bonus Consequences at the End)
I fell in love with my (married) neighbor and then I babysat his kids. Now I'm questioning my feelings.
Just saw Dark Shadows (2012). Not amazing, but there are definitely worse Tim Burton films out there.
Dumb question, but is there any type of horror movie that you automatically say “nah” to?
It’s ONLY $70k! GET OVER IT!!!
AITA for telling my BIL to get over himself and to quit holding a 10 year old grudge?
Mom's of reddit help me get a poll going to show my fiance
Hidden gems with such a great opening act you’re hooked even if the rest of the movie doesn’t live up to it
Good underwater or space horror books?
☘️ Irish Horror ☘️
Could he be the reason Trump just rowed back on the tarrifs?
Most annoying/worst thing someone has said to you about your knitting that isn’t “You know, you can buy (thing) for so much less money”
How would you achieve this neck? And how would you then knit sleeves?
There are a lot advantages to being Ben Murphy's birthday, like being Ben Murphy's birthday!
AITA for declining my friends granola bar resulting in an allergic reaction?