1k List
What are your 2k list with Lion?
Conflicted on the nature of a Returned Russ
Lucky find at the LGS
Jakhal kill team: Blood and Zeal
Why Red Butchers would be a valid unit choice.
Just tried working on my dg all night and well i cant paint dg lol
Starting World Eaters
All the Leaks and All Your Opinions on them Megathread Of Civility and Friendship!!!!!
Fulgrim datasheet
Emperor’s Children Playstyle
Sunday Preview
Elite units
Question about transfer sheets…
Eightbound skin colors
Lorgar in 40k
If silksong gets anounced during the nintendo direct i'll buy 3 STEAM copies to anyone who comments
Hello Brothers! Before I paint Deathwing Knights, I just want to know if what Bone Armor is better.