Married men - does your wife still go down on you?
First of 2025!
Wouldn't be surprised if it's them.
One of my favourite running jokes is how open everyone is about how horrible Claire's kids are. This is in the middle of Yaphit professing his love to Claire.
Best of the forbidden romances?
What happened?
So why did Spencer take the judges kid?
Do men like to smell their partners scent on them after sex?
Kelly and Matt have been chosen as the hot one. Who is the only normal person
Images you can hear
Gf is pretty cold over text, doesn’t say it back when I say goodnight.
Watching "The OA" a show about alternate dimensions and seeing Maddie and Rue here made me miss Euphoria 🥲
Men, how naughty do you like your girl to be?
Do guys prefer the girl to text them first, all the time, most of the time or when it's important?
Week 3 on "Cleo"
[TOMT] Has anyone seen a scene where someone is watching "It's a wonderful life," and as the famous line "an angel gets his wings" the person gets sucked into the TV where the characters eyes turned red and the person watching gets killed?
1,J,I A together
After a break for several months, I finally finished!!
So in Episode 3, why did Agatha see
American Horror Stories - Season 3,Episode 5, Backrooms
31M, looking for feedback. Thanks!
Said he’d text next week but after 6 days
About half way-ish done. Ended up getting paper stuck on an area so that was a nightmare then I dropped and spilled drills on the floor 😒 but other than that it's coming along lol
Sometimes you gotta take a snuggle break!