UPDATE RE: $12 14900k found at bin store
Clearing out grandparents. Is this worth anything? Still in box sealed
Have been working so hard to keep our review score high as it affects our standing in our company, gets left this
This your reminder before going to see the minecraft movie that Jack Black actively supports autism speaks
Bought a new chainsaw, hope it's not sentient
After 4 weeks of driving I finally get one of these wonders 🤣
What the fuck did my eyes just see
A person with Stoneman's syndrome that causes the muscle and connective tissue to turn into bone
Bought this today. I think it’s a good build. What do you think?
I am so sick of this computer what do I do??
Tell me your name and I’ll add it on my shirt
my bolt is supposed to be in the left of the battery
In the motherland (China), these apartment blocks don’t have floors 4 or 14, but instead have 3A and 13A. I believe 4 sounds like death.
How long does your pc take to boot?
Boy, 10, crushed to death when 340-pound foster mom sits on him because he was ‘acting up’
I read WHAT??
My Son attends an extremely religious college. He asked me if I, as an atheist, would mind answering some questions about religion for a class he is taking. Here are my answers.
WOW, 2100 people.............
Grandmas computer, what is it? Scam?
Midpoint failed his math test
Thought I aced it 😭🙏
Had my head punched against a wall 7 hours ago :)
Mom says my grades "need a ton of work"
I was scammed on my first PC :/
What do you guys think