Can I add more box vents to roof?
Sorta neighbor cut down twelve of our trees and stole our trail cam
Medicare part C Commercial-Most Annoying Woman Ever!
What slang words were often used by young people during your younger years but they're rarely used now ?
Button-fly jeans for chubby & muscular guy with a rise that keeps under gut?
Buyers asking for mediation 1.5 years after purchase
Daily shoes for wide feet?
Them Duke Boys
Am I the only one who believes in this? Open to discussion
Got this letter in the mail earlier today, can this possibly be a scam?
Monthly Fitness Pro-Tips Megathread
[USA] Overreactin
I can't believe we're still letting baldness make us miserable
Much difference in major brands of asphalt shingles?
Always check your local Ollie's for awesome deals
When is it time to tell people that you are nudist?
Communal showers in Oklahoma
Anyone CS near Oklahoma City area? Near Moore, Norman areas
Yard slopes to steep for riding mower?
Communal Showers in Oklahoma
Is it true that you can remove the side strip on a c5?
What’s the best place in OKC to get car windows tinted? Good pricing and quality work? Thank you!
Length of ck2620 vs. cx2510 with a loader
Struggling to find jeans 5'9, short legs, big booty