Who is your favorite "completely unsympathetic" FE villain?
Every joker post ever
Happy Birthday: Gangrel, Mad King (03/16/2025)
Is Stuntman worth it? I have Antimatter, so I have an extra joker slot, and I have +2 hand size from vouchers.
New rule: No telling people you will buy all the comments a switch 2 unless if you can prove that you have at least 40 thousand dollars USD (currency can be translated).
Happy 33th Anniversary to Fire Emblem: Gaiden
Popular/Unpopular/Any Opinions Thread - March 2025 Part 1
Challenge run idea: darros only
If you could retroactively add one homosexual romance to any FE game which characters would it be?
No clarification from support about the LME banners
Does anybody know where I can obtain a legal copy of this game?
AHR FINALE: Hector Won/Timerra Lost Excitement/Salt Megathread (3/6/25)
One month until the Switch 2 Direct, I wonder how the rest of Nintendo's 2025 will look?
They randomly changed the title formatting of Banner Trailers starting with EIke
I think buying this Joker would really tie my run together
Does anyone else spend an unnatural amount of time deciding on pairs in FE:A?
should i risk making madness build?
Build your own team of Three Houses characters with $15 as your budget.
Luigi Rule(s)
Hear me out. Full remake with increased difficulty and improved graphics
Am I weird for liking Sakura
Genealogy wins for Ideal Storytelling! Now let's move to the FE entry with the Ideal Content. What is there to do in the game? Main chapters, story quests, post-game, hub world, side activities, etc.
Despite being introduced in 1990 these characters didn't have a single line of dialogue (outside their death quote) until their fourth game appearance (2010)