In An Object Show-Related Video, What Are THESE Borders...
From the Wikipedia page on the Lapita culture. See if you can spot the problem here.
Random Map I Found On r/brasil, I Think It Was Meant To Be The Countries In BRICS
Are Horror Closing Logos Like Klasky Csupo Nightmares Allowed Here?
What’s your season?
Have Fun Guys
I Solved Today's Globle But Only Guessing Countries That Were Mentioned On "Yakko's World", Including The 2017 Verse. I Youre Wondering, The Mystery Country Was Estonia.
AMERICAS BATTLE ROYAL! Create ur own countries!(in the comments) 15 Max!!!
(Reuploaded Cuz I Added The Wrong Video) I Found An App Called Rarevision And It Replicates Analog TV Effect
Type out “Do you want me to….” and let autocomplete do its thing
Guess the context of this map
Na Opinião De Vocês, O Que Aconteceria Se O BRICS Virasse Uma Aliança Militar Igual A OTAN, Em Vez De Um Bloco Econômico?
Mapa Dos Estados Brasileiros De Acordo Com O ChatGPT
How Moldova could capture Moscow.
The title of the last video you watched is what nickname you called her
(Posting This Here Too) Tried Tracing An Upside Down Map Then Turned It Upside Down Again, Europe Looks Horrible
Image From American Dad
I found it in a YouTube ad
Tried Tracing An Upside Down Map Then Turned It Upside Down Again, Europe Looks Horrible
If All European Countries United Into One (No Countries Became A Lake Fr)
Iran Is A Lake Now (Image Not Mine I Took It From r/mapporncirclejerk)(Original: American Dad)
Just created four new alliances, what should I call them?
What would you name this imaginary country?
What would you name THIS imaginary country
How would you name this country? (Only wrong answers)