My Neil cosplay (by me, badguy_cosplay)from Death Stranding 2
GUZMA Cosplay
SHIBA TAIJU - yakuza inspired shot
SHIBA TAIJU -yakuza inspired shot
JIN MARITO (from Bucchigiri?!) - by me, Badguy_cosplay
My FUNNY VALENTINE cosplay (both version) - Badguy_cosplay
My SZAYELAPORRO GRANTZ cosplay (badguy_cosplay)
What's your current favorite weapon?
Sir Crocodile - by me Badguy_cosplay🐊
Is Omega worth starting? My concerns:
What Bosses Do you Think is The Hardest?
Emiru Cosplay contest - FUNNY VALENTINE by me Badguy_cosplay
Did you people hate the baki x kengan movie?I didn't watch it when it come, so I don't know what the community think
EMIRU COSPLAY CONTEST: SNAKE (Vinland Saga) by me Badguy_cosplay
EMIRU COSPLAY CONTEST - Sergei Dragunov (Tekken) by me Badguy_cosplay
Purely based on Character design, who do you think is better?
Sincerely, FUCK this guy
Who's your favorite female JoJo character besides Jolyne?
What's your guys opinion about her
Just beat this bitch. Stuck for at least 4 hours, quit the game for two days bc of him. Prolly gonna look like a noob but genuinely curious, how long did it take you?
You get a stand named after your least favorite song/album/group, what's his power?
Funny Valentine cosplay _ by Badguy_cosplay
Crocodile cosplay _ by Badguy_cosplay 🐊
What base game weapon carried you in the DLC?
DARK TRIAD cosplay Badguy_cosplay