When would you ever need the lord magistrates over dragon blooded shugengans?
Assume 40K: Total War is coming. What would make you NOT buy it?
Massive FPS improvement after patch
Clans released to "Mixed" on steam
Closing in on 9 years since the release of TWWH 1 and meatshield heavy factions still don't feel right.
Dynamic Settlements - yay or nay?
Reworks, big and small, for WH3's custodian team
Something is coming ...
Total War: WARHAMMER III - Hotfix 5.1.1
Gorbad Ironclaw is from before the Old World
What would you want a 40K: Total War to look like?
Jericho (Skulls Thrones event) is coming along with what looks like a launcher update.
Pharaoh's a great game with a comically fumbled launch
8 years have passed since the reveal of Warhammer 1 gameplay trailer. The game has come from a long way.
Tamurkhan missing a trait?
People who want 40K/WW1 or anything past gunpowder warfare basically, can you explain what you imagine battles looking like?
Do I feel... Hope?
PHARO has only reached a peak of 5412 ob Day one, that's the worst performance of any Total War Except Troy on Steam and 95% of Troy played for free on Epic
I wonder why CA claims costs are up... hmmm
CA Response to Price Controversy
Cathay disappointment?