Job help
$1500 in debt, seeking advice
The President of the United States of America crashing out on social media because he can't break the law
The best Vanessa has ever looked
Seller said necklace was sterling silver but so far it hasnt passed any of the tests of being authetic
Terrible Tuesday!
What are some fandom-like things you have done?
‘Sex Lives of College Girls’ Canceled After Three Seasons at Max
"People Only Hate Me Because I Am a Deadly Threat to the Woke Mind Parasite and the Humans It Controls," Says Elon After Firing Over 62,000 Federal Employees
Got laid off today but at least I look cute
Has anyone else seen this already? Kim's later ego, "Shannon Rose", and she's single, too.
What contraception do you guys reccomend , I’m extremely reluctant to go on it but after posting a Reddit post asking about if the rhythm method is unsafe on here I have been convinced to think abt using contraception.
Olivia's newest story on IG. We've heard bits and pieces of what Ethan did, but the whole story must have been wild.
To the group of kids sieg heiling at the Lincoln Memorial tonight:
🚩🚩The #1 RED FLAG in Love Is Blind history? I’ll start...
Le Caprice on 14th & Newton has rats
Someone convince me not to file for bankruptcy over $20k credit card debt
What is your opinion about Capricorn?
Musk on the verge of tears as he contemplates his imploding empire
If you wanted to spend your 30th birthday alone, what would you do in DC?
Terminated after just three months. Where do I go from here?
Does the city sleep from midnight to 7 am on Saturdays?!
So SAD about the Crispy Onion Chips!!
Another one bites the dust… Booboo Stewart caught liking “pro Trump” posts.
Sharon Stone Claims She Was ‘Cast and Removed Unexpectedly’ From ‘Another Simple Favor’