Banana fragrance?
My First ScentSplit Order :,)
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
My Collection so Far💗
Anything that smells like this?
What meds have helped you by like A LOT?
Underwhelming (to you) perfume houses?
Edward & Bella
Perfumes that smell like dill?
What are your top 7 favorite CELEBRITY PERFUMES? Let’s guess what it says about you!
What’s a "harmless" opinion that will still get people mad?
Who else avoids commenting/posting over fear of rejection?
perfumes that smell like this?🥛🧊🫧🌬️🪷🦢🎐
What perfume should i wear??
Doesn't everyone consider benzos not as addictive as people make them out to be there scheduled as potential for abuse.
I blindly bought from TikTok and..
Review of the new “Edward & Bella” perfume
health ocd, i literally can’t sleep
Is my doctor doing the right thing?
Clean girl
What does the MD stand for
Nearly 20 years after battling cancer I recently had an unnecessary head CT scan. I have been a mess of anxiety about the radiation to my brain ever since.
Why do I always feel guilty doing anything sexual?
Thoughts on 11 11 ?
cake batter / icing fragrances