Thigh spurting blood
How’s this poem?
Can you rate my poem?
Is this a good poem?
DAE feel “too old” to have an ED?
We listen and we don’t judge
Drop the most painful lyrics you’ve ever heard
Help help help
I want out
I consumed so much today
Has anyone tried ridiculous brownies but instead of flour replaced with more protein??
DAE didn’t think it would get serious?
What’s your favorite Elliott Smith song(s) that you will never skip and why?
help! why is it dusty looking
Met someone new at a party, was talking to them for like 30 minutes, before I looked down and noticed that the tattoo on her arm looked similar to mine…
Do I do bottom spin in this situation?
Water weight/retention is insane
Whats the difference?
I hate Christmas
I can’t stop
Worried abt weight gain
what did you eat today?
WORST places you’ve purged?