Haru slander shall NOT be tolerated (Speaking as a Lougoshi fan)
That's the equivalent of "it has gore therefor is mature"
If Cream, Knuckles and Shadow were a trio, what would be their Team name and their dynamic?
What annoyed me about ZNation was that we never fully explored the potential threat of the zombie animals in the show. Would've wished for a dedicated episode to them...
TIL that Takumi Kizu in character as Lucky attended the Japanese premiere of Power Rangers 2017 along with Yuta Mochizuki (Prince Geki)
If YOU were in charge of writing Clash of the Red Rangers, what would you've changed or added (And yes, you can change the title of the movie as well)?
Looking for VNs with a specific fetish of mine
From how popular Analog Horror is, do you guys thing Transformers COULD fit this genre?
The saddest part to me about Earthspark is that I would've loved to have seen the Cons as secondary mentors or the Terrans. They could've had such a fun dynamic as the more "problematic" figures.
After watching TF One, I really hope this ends up becoming the new "definitive" origins for the Autobots. Not on every detail of course, but this certainly is a more sympathetic origin then what shows like Prime proposed
Was re-watching "Once a Ranger" and decided to make my own take on the "Retro Ranger" team if I could've picked who would returned (Plus, who they would team up during battle)
Guys, I know I'm delusional, but I seriously want SS Gamer Edition to make figures out of the 2014 TF Universe game I MEAN LOOK AT THESE DESIGNS!?
Who knew Optimus had a side acting job outside of Transformers? (It's from a Korean animated series called Tobot btw)
What would be a good mold for a Cybertronian Bulkhead?
How would have re-written Chloe's arc?
An idea I had, inspired by the MMX Manga, was that Storm Eagle not only got redeemed, but after MMX1 he was repaired and his new appearence is based on Storm Eagle L
Something I though for my Super Megaforce AU/Reimagine was that Gosei IS Zordon, but using a new disguise to train another generatio on Rangers, since in my version, MF takes place in another dimension.
Who do you guys headcanon as the Reverse Miraculous Villain League? [Art by Revolutionary-Thoy]
If Megaman X had a full on reboot, what would you change on the story to make it more interesting?
If we ever get a new incarnation of Lugnut and Blitzwing, I think Gary Schwartz and Robin Atkin would be PERFECT for the roles
A while back I've stumble upon these fan made posters for RE: The Final Chapter, however, not only were the images low quality, I couldn't find the artist who made these. Anyone got any info on the creator?
Guys, I got an idea for a Fortress Maximus custom...
Guys just hear me out on this!!!
Do you think we should have a female Tobot?