Probably one of the reasons why it’s the most loved game in the franchise😭. I got this on the Wii and Switch myself.
[Frontiers]Amy, Knuckles, and Tails represents Love, Duty, and Determination, if you do not agree with these portrayals, what do you think fits them more, along with their Memory Tokens?
Pre-RE4, Which RE game made you really strategize over item management?
Does anyone think Lewis Tan could have been Kenshi instead of Cole Young?
You weak pathetic fools, I've come for your souls
if you could give Sonic OVA/Sonic the Hedgehog The Movie an Alternative Title what it could be?
If you could reshuffle the couples in Naruto, who which couple would you create?
Hand-painted MMPR the movie poster from Ghana
Bro thinks he's part of the team, Just give us Sonic Rivals 3 Sega🙏
How was Eggman able to conquer almost the whole world in such a short time in Sonic Forces?
Movie/Cartoon/Anime/Tv Show etc Licensed games that you enjoy?
In your least favorite Sonic games, were there any gameplay gimmicks or other features that you liked and wish to see in future games?
What’s the most disrespectful thing you seen in the series?
What's one thing about forces that really pissed you off?
[Shadow of Rose] Which section of the game is your favorite?
Some thoughts on Mel, Owen, and Abby
Me waiting for intergalactic
Do people still play the original titles or do people just skip that now and favor the remakes
Games were you felt the Remakes/Reboots are better than the originals?
In your opinion, what is the best and worse redesign in MK1?
[MK95] Poor Jax has been left behind and was never seen again. If he had a bigger role in the movie, how would you like for it to go?
[Frontiers] Which activity you do the most while playing the game?
Which video game antagonist got you like this?
Out of all the final battles in PR, which seasons have your least favorite lead up to the fight and/or the final battle itself and why?