I was just reading the "Sources of inspiration" part at the back of the booklet for Destroy Erase Improve again and they namecheck Death's "Human" album (from '91).
[DISCUSSION] Listening to Steve Vai
Thoughts on Steve Vai's 'Flexable'?
Look who is in the front of Spot Mag ,Groningen!
Catch 33
Selling Tickets to the 29MAR TORONTO Show
A local supermarket chain started to sell custom printed photos. Guess what I did.
What’s this sub’s opinion on Mr Bungle?
I can't believe The Moth is actually happening
What do you think is the most poetic Meshuggah lyric?
most forgettable death song in your opinion?
My professor saw me wearing this in class today and said is that a fuck you trump shirt! 😅
The Hurt That Finds You First snare
Atheist - Mother Man
As a fan of death metal, I'd never given Unquestionable Presence a listen until now and it's incredible
Blessed Are The Sick doesn’t get enough credit for how it important it was to defining the sound of death metal to come.
What do you guys think of Human??
Why is Individual Thought Patterns often ranked so low?
Individual Thought Patterns
Morbid angel. Unpopular opinion.
What do you guys think of Morbid Angel?
In the Bible, Jesus turned water into wine.
Chuck Norris doesn't kill ninjas.
Fear of spiders is called arachnophobia. Fear of heights is called acrophobia. Fear of Chuck Norris...
If you write “Chuck Norris” in the Death Note…