What’s a popular mug that you are not a fan of?
Saddest scene in the show😭
Why do some Tiki bar's not restock their Tiki Mugs?
Where are thou besteth FRIES!?!?!?!?!
Best place to live in the city without being able to drive?
What can I do about my neighbors dumping trash and misc. items on our public road?
I watched half an episode of Mad Men at a bar last night. The sound wasn’t on, but I caught the gist of it. Ask me anything.
I think I know almost everything about Mad Men, ask me a tough question and I'll ask you one back
Birthday Navy Grog
Someone planted a Trump flag in a pile of crap near Providence Park lol
Hurricane w/ Fassionola
Recognizable jacket stolen downtown Portland
Portland Weekend Knitting Clubs?
Vintage Candelabra Repair?
This guy made my day!
Joan garners no sympathy for her sleazy actions because she's more attractive than the rest.
In Britain they called Mad Men "Bonker Chaps"
Palomar, open?
Freezing orgeat (or troubleshooting a Saturn)?
Portland is about to get its first official Monopoly game; What should be on the board?
Goodwill auction find. $50 shipped. Banane for scale.
Know a Family Friendly Performance Artist?
Spotted in a free box on my walk...
After a Crack in Leadership, Dueling World Naked Bike Rides Are Now Scheduled in Portland This Summer
Trivia Questions about recent Portland history.
Where can I legally hang up fliers (besides utility poles)?