What age did you truly become comfortable saying NO?
Guys, have you ever felt a magnetic attraction to someone that felt beyond your control? If so, what ended up happening?
What would you change about your life?
What you usually talk about with your male friends?
W eats? With Lemonade
How do I upload custom live wallpapers?
Majority of "misandrists" are men.
Thragg has to be top 10 in terms of having one of straightest hairlines in fiction.
...i have no words for this
Ryai save us😭News🙏💔
The basketball basketball shoes
yall can help me right?
Collection of yim being sped on twitter
sad news.
Unc going insane
What do you do at home?
If I get a gym membership... what do I change?
The best way to correct the dating market is for men to leave women alone.
This the most horrifying shit Ive ever seen🌚
Whole lotta yellow
This dude has to be living in the trenches, this gotta be the most egregious eats I ever seen
Men need more than women to "choose better"
How do relationship dynamics changes when the woman is taller and physically stronger than the man in a couple?
Men need to start holding ourselves to a higher moral standard of decency