Any idea??
How good is HATE?
This citrine farm is bruuuutal!
I’ve pretty much started playing warframe a couple days ago. Any tips would be helpful.
what am i supposed to do in 3 days, i'm so drained grinding for these
Which is better?
What Destiny sound effect would you pick as a phone notification sound?
Yesterday a group of kids asked me if I'm wearing a rolex
Thoughts on doom 3:BFG edition?
To those who were slow to enjoy Eternal, when did it "click" for you?
before doom the dark come out what doom game is ur favorite
Next, which videogame is about Man VS Society
I stopped playing right before the new war dropped. Can someone tell me if there is a good reason to come back now?
Make the GW5000 in yellow!
Any Midnighters available to speak at my orphanage?
Idea for an easy to implement pity system for older Warframes
How to deal with burnout
Massive Bruise on Trump's Hand Reappears Weeks After White House's Hand Shake Excuse
What game is haunting you from the backlogs?
Whats your favorite warframe and why!
Which widely hated anime character would you defend no matter what?
Is anime relationships realistic?
this legit?
Authenticity check