What song (s) is particularlyresonating with you during this process?
The new administration’s proposal to end no-fault divorce
Who, in your opinion, is the best singer (technique wise)
I keep forgetting I can’t tell my parents anything
How do people live life sober
Alexandra Princess of Wales in a photograph taken in 1870 holding a white cat
Russian president Vladimir Putin waving goodbye to his friend, Kim Jong Un
What’s a band everyone seems to love that you can’t stand?
Favorite movies that aged well?
Extremely chaotic arrest
Who was your first celebrity crush?
People in this town drive in a very counterintuitive manner
You can always count on trolls to double down
‘70s living room shootout- what’s your pick?
What food did you have as a kid that you swear will never pass your lips again?
Any Dark Academia game recommendations?
What’s a great song that has one really dumb lyric?
This green lil dude joined me at my table
Sample Status/Processing Monthly Megathread - November 2023
What movie do you continually re-watch on an annual basis?
Approximately 35-40 years in my parents refrigerator.
Man completely loses his mind at the airport
Before Myspace and social media happened, where were you online?